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Injected and extruded plastic parts
MIP MEDICAL Extrusion plastique
Injected and extruded plastic parts
Injected and extruded plastic parts
injected plastic parts

Distribution of the business sectors per production plants

Moulage Industriel de Perseigne SAS

MIP is specialized in the plastic injection and extrusion for the pharmaceutical/medical, industry, packaging & cosmetics industries. The plant is located in Sarthe (72)

Pharmaval Plastic SAS

PHARMAVAL is specialized in the plastic injection in clean room for the  pharmaceutical & cosmetics industries. The plant is located in Eure (27)

Nor-Stick SAS

NORSTICK is specialized in the plastic extrusion for the pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetics, industries. The plant is located in Eure (27)

Pharmatec Plastic SAS

PHARMATEC is specialized in the plastic molding injection for the pharmaceutical and medical. The plant is located in Eure (27)